

How does VCI operate?

The action of VCI on metal surfaces is follows the following mechanism of action: > Closing the package containing Volatile Inhibitor...

How V-active® operate?

V-active® in the presence of metals, acts effectively in the vapor phase and by contact, interfering in the electrical activity, which grants...

What are the advantages of V-active®?

• V-active® has preference to bond with most metals, including metallic contamination particles making them inert. • V-active®, is proven to be the...

What are the advantages of VCI?

Does not require deposition of materials (oils, greases) on the metal surface (Clean Technology); Does not require cleaningof the parts before use...

What is V-active®?

It is the evolution of VCIs (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors), developed by our R&D Department. V-active® is the newest generation of organic...

What is VCI?

VCI are organic salts derived from amines which gradually volatilize saturating the internal environment of the package. These salts deposit on the...

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+34 (616) 45 77 08


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